Does bigger really mean better?...
No, for real, I'm talking about social media. I've had six TikToks go over 20,000. I've helped so many of my clients explode their socials, and funny enough, my Instagram has stayed between that 1400-1500 mark for quite a while now. And interestingly enough, Instagram is my MOST lucrative platform.
Smaller sometimes can be better because it means you're fostering a beautiful, intimate environment.
The actual tips, tricks, and strategies on how I was able to foster such a lucrative yet intimate and beautiful environment in the first place:
I had my first $20,000 launch with about 200 people in my audience, and I was about 37-38 weeks pregnant with Miles, who was my last baby. It worked because I showed up, I did the work. I had freaking FAITH that it was all going to come together!!
I had four people paying in full for my engagement services and then I had 10 people come into the programme. It worked out to be a $20,000 launch,
I literally cried. I was like, oh my freaking goodness, this CANNOT be real.
It just opened up so many beautiful doors.
I think that gave me a lot of confidence in growing my social media. What I started to do is I would break down how much money my business would make per hundred people on that platform…
Let's just say your Instagram is making $50,000 a year and you have a thousand people in your audience. If we break it down for every hundred followers, it would mean you make $5,000 for a hundred people that come into your audience - if they're the right people. -
This is the math that I had used at the time. Why am I telling you this?
As you can see, there's quite a difference. Even TikTok versus Instagram, per thousand followers, I'm still making a fraction of the amount as I do per hundred followers on Instagram because it's an intimate platform and you have the opportunity to deeply connect, warm and nurture your audience.
I am NOT bringing up these numbers to rub it in anyone's face, I really want to share the behind the scenes of what that looks like. To me, it's just really important to be transparent about your numbers!
If you go to my Instagram, I have an old stories training called my 25 message rule…
This teaches you to go find 15 new people, have a conversation on their stories. Literally just REPLY to their stories, then go to 10 old leads already in your network and rewarm the conversations.
That's all you're doing!!!
I was on Instagram for only a couple hours a week, and this was during the launch phase.My content was already scheduled. Once you are sold out and you have that recurring revenue, you can really let go of your social media a little bit in terms of being on it consistently.
And it's just so phenomenal!!
I always reiterate that I was working, I had 4 under 4, or I had 3 under 3 and was expecting my fourth.
I like to share that with people because YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!
You totally can do this in a timely manner.
Taking the time to time block. I don't create one piece of content to post and go on my stories and create another piece. I batch out all my content.
This is why I love repurposing. When you always have new people coming into your audience and you put a different flavor on your content, it adds a beautiful level of ease to your business and it keeps the consistency, which is just SO fun.
One year I grew my entire following and social space to over a hundred thousand people. I could not handle the terrible emails that were being sent to me. My banking got hacked. All of my social media channels got hacked, everything. It rattled my world!
I did NOT expect that kind of clash back. And it set me back in the sense of an intimate audience and working so closely with my ideal clients is the business model. I don't need a million people in my audience to be able to have a beautiful income.
I thought that having a large social media audience was going to change my life and it just created more work and not necessarily more profit, that was eye opening.
Right when Covid happened, I ended up blowing up my blog. I got 20,000 views on my homeschooling resource in ONE DAY. I thought that when I got that many views on my website, it was going to unlock my business. Do you know what happened? Google Analytics would just flag me and say that it didn't make sense for me to have that much inflection.
I thought this was going to change my life!! I remember working towards that goal of 20,000 views per month. I remember feeling really defeated. I put my entire life into this and then nothing happened out of it. And it really showed me that bigger is not better…
I had a huge platform and I ended up not even making a dime.
Having an intimate audience where you can serve people deeply is so beautiful and so fun. My advice to you is to take the time to TRULY nurture your audience and put out content that genuinely is speaking their language.
Start making it happen now, really defy all odds!! This really comes down to having beautiful content they can resonate with actually talking to your audience, not trying to quicken a sale. By really taking control and making connections with people, THAT’S when the doors open.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they invest when you treat them well… Number one, I totally believe in good karma. But number two, that is how you build a loyal following. That is how referrals flow to you!
When we can take the time to connect and have conversations, be deep and be real, this is when we stand out. I really respect business owners who take the time to love on and nurture their audience. What REALLY makes a difference is taking the time to do mindset work and taking the time to know that this is all coming together in the way that you envisioned, if not better!
Every “no” is an open door for something better to come along. When you take the time to make sure that everything flows well, you're serving deeply. You have intention and impact before you're really prioritizing income, then your business starts to flourish. And that's really what I teach.
When people can tell that what you provide is value packed, that you actually care about them getting results, and they can see how you support them, there is no other way but for things to FLOURISH.
Although I think it's important to have a strategy, it's important to have those components locked in. When your mindset is primed and when you actually take the time to put that intention in, there's no other way but for it to work.
So that is my spiel!
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