From Overworked Mom to Thriving CEO Boss Babe

How I achieved freedom & financial stability from my laptop (& how you can too)

I still vividly recall my breaking point.

My husband was currently deployed in the military, so every morning before dawn, I would drop my son Ben off at the daycare right when it opened, just so I could make the hour-long commute to my corporate office job.

That morning, I was sitting in traffic for the umpteenth time among a gridlocked highway full of other tired, burnt out commuters, wondering…

What the heck are we all doing?!

I was totally stressed out, away from my son all day, too exhausted to do anything after work, spent the weekends just trying to catch up, crying every day, and feeling so STUCK.

Right then and there I realized, THIS ISN’T IT.

We hardly had any savings, but I decided to take the plunge and quit my job the next day. I had no idea what I was going to do but was determined to figure it out. 

I started applying for virtual assistant jobs and, within 3 months, I was so booked out that business owners started begging me for referrals.

I couldn’t believe how in-demand this unknown career path was.

That’s also when I realized there weren't any good programs out there to train other women to do this, so I decided to teach them myself.

It began with a few local military wives and grew into a full-fledged training program within a couple of years (and still going strong today! (Check out my free class about becoming a booked out VA HERE).

However, this journey wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. There were definitely some challenges along the way.

At the beginning of my VA career, my car got repossessed, we lost our home, we were living on food stamps, and my marriage was starting to fall apart.

Without my laptop and my little monthly income, I don’t know what we would’ve done. Thankfully, I had just enough to sustain my son and I so we could take off in our own direction.

It was at this major crossroads in my life when I decided to embrace adventure, booking one-way tickets for my son and I to Bali, where we ended up building a home.

During this time, I continued to level up my skill set and created a full-blown VA agency. Though, I found a passion for mentorship, I closed the agency so I could focus full-time on helping my students learn and find jobs. My husband also moved to Bali at this time in an attempt to reunite.

Things were going great until we had to fly back to the states to renew our passports and ended up getting stuck (thanks, COVID). But, once again, we embraced the change and started over as a family in Asheville, North Carolina.

A year later, we were thrilled to find out I was pregnant. Unfortunately, 9 months into the pregnancy, I had to ask my husband to leave and filed for divorce after 10 years of marriage.

This point in my life certainly wasn’t easy. I cried everyday for months and still have major highs and lows.

But despite these challenges, I had something that not many newly single, postpartum mothers have: financial stability and flex-time freedom.

And this is why I share my story.

Even though the tropical Bali work life is fun, ultimately, this is about YOU.

It’s about making sure you can take care of yourself when life throws curveballs and times get tough.

It’s about making sure you never miss your baby’s first steps, your grandmother’s last words, or your chance to break free from a toxic, abusive relationship.

It’s about you being able to create a life you’ve always dreamed of, empowered with the ability to support yourself at any time and from anywhere.

While traveling the world with my laptop, I paid off all my debt, increased my hourly rate to $100, managed a dozen virtual team members and took my agency to six figures.

And if I can do it, so can you.

The digital world is chock-full of legit online work opportunities, and this isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, with more and more businesses moving online (especially post-pandemic), virtual assistants are in high demand.

Whether you’re a mother craving flexibility, a corporate employee wanting to escape the rat race, or simply a travel-lover in search of greater freedom, virtual assisting is an extraordinary career choice.

All you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and the willingness to learn and put in the work, and this flex-time freedom is at your fingertips.

I teach aspiring VAs everything they need to know in my training program, 90 Day VA. In fact, we have a FREE CLASS all about how you can become a booked out virtual assistant today.

Check it out now if you want to transition into the world of remote work without being chained to your desk or phone all day.


From 60+ Hour Work Weeks to Total Time Freedom


Leading with Resilience and Empathy in Business