How To Affordably & Successfully Homeschool Your Children
I got all these books for $22.
well… $22.05
It was a fluke accident I got each book for under $4. I usually go to garage sales and thrift stores and purchase books extremely cheap, but also extremely well used. I was really proud to have found nearly untouched books to add to our collection!
Homeschooling can be done affordably and easily. Each one of these books we can turn into an activity or game, learn a lesson, or make a fun adventure out of it!
I cannot even fully express how much my heart hurts hearing people say they cannot afford to homeschool their kiddos. Talking to many mothers, that seemed to be the main factor: how can we afford it?
There is a giant misconception: it does not cost thousands to homeschool your kids.
I’m often told how people struggle to affordably homeschool their young children and keep them entertained, all while ensuring they learn.
I think we would all be surprised at how much children absorb just being present in an environment.
One of my big mental triggers is a mess… but having young children I need to get over this “trigger”, because hands on activities are the best for learning!
Some fun ideas for on hands learning that is extremely affordable:
Easy Preschool Sensory Activities: I made a simple blog post of our tried + true sensory activities good for almost all ages! At the time of writing it, I had a 1, 2, and 3 year old and tried to make sure I had group friendly activities that were choke- free.
A guide on how to introduce your child to gardening. Fun and easy age appropriate activities to promote motor skills and practical life learning skills.
Another 25 fun sensory bin ideas!
Learning from home has created a bond with my children that has become strengthened. I we have had to learn more about each other and deepen our understanding about each other, which truly have been an amazing gift.
If you haven’t already taken the opportunity to check out my entire homeschool section, I truly feel like you would fall in love with all the free content I have provided! I know that times are difficult, and wanting to save money is always an amazing plus!
30+ Indoor Preschool Activities (STEM edition!)
Did you know…
I have an entire article on 60+ free homeschool resources!
I wanted to fill your feeling of “lost” on the topic of homeschooling, and provide resources from curriculum for all ages, kindergarten worksheets, elementary resources, middle school resources, high school resources, homeschooling planners, faith building worksheets, parenting resources, and even moms on YouTube who share their stories.
“Whenever you feel discouraged, just remember, you are the centre of the universe to those tiny humans you made from scratch. You’re kind of a big deal!”